Saturday, May 29, 2010

Go Celtics!

I'm not the type of person who has to watch "the game." I'm one of those annoying fair-weather fans who gets on board once the team has made it far enough for me to talk trash. I support the Red Sox, the Patriots, the Celtics and the Bruins, but if you asked me to name a player from each of those teams, I'd definitely struggle. A lot of my friends have really been into the basketball finals this week and our team- the Celtics- are the new Eastern Conference champions after beating the Orlando Magic last night. In honor of all my friends who are Celtics fans, these green-and-white-inspired outfits are for you! (It's a stretch, I know. Blame it on my injury.)

I know these outfits are a tad cheesy, but I would probably say they are only appropriate for attending an actual Celtics game if you didn't already have a jersey and a foam finger. Because true fans have a foam finger.


Beth said...

I am a fair weather sports fan too- only when I have tickets or when it will really be socially awkward for me to not join the conversation.

Who else but you is finding green polka-dotted oxfords?!

my healthy twist said...

I love those polka dotted oxfords, so cute! And these polyvores are great!! XOXO, Natalya

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