Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shoesday Tuesday: Mint Oxfords

I have a new pair of shoes that are making me ache for spring to arrive:

Isn't the color just the most fabulous shade of creamy, delicious mint? And check out the super cool cut-outs on the sides:

I am absolutely DYING to wear these precious brogues, but it's still just a little too cold. Maybe soon, though...

Happy Shoesday Tuesday, everyone!


Beth said...

You know that Oxfords are not my favorite, but those are adorable. And yes, please, spring!

Renée T. Habashy said...

If these oxfords can't win you over, Beth, then I'm afraid they'll never be a favorite. Which is weird, because I think that your style would work so well with a cute pair. They're just a nice casual alternative to whatever your standard day-shoe is: a sneaker, a topsider, a ballet flat- they work with just about everything. But if I can't convince you, I'll live. :)

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