Saturday, June 5, 2010

Product Review: Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Spray Shampoo

If you read my blog with any regularity, you know that hair styling is NOT my forte. I do my best with what I have, but when it comes to artistry and styling, I do not have the chops. What I do have is a bag of tricks that involve teasing what hair I have, and adding various faux-hair pieces to enhance what grows out of my head.

The thing about any hair is that you truly can get it to do what you want it to. It's all about the products you use. Unfortunately, even if a product doesn't live up to the expectations I had for it, I'm too much of a cheap skate to just toss it and cut my losses. If a hair spray fails to hold, I shrug my shoulders and keep on spraying, vowing to try a different brand. If a volumizer fails to add volume, I tease the roots a little to compensate, then once again, try a different brand. I recently discovered an inexpensive brand of hair products that for once seem to live up to the claims on their respective bottles: Salon Grafix.

I recently tried out their Freezing Hair Spray (Mega Hold) and their Invisible Dry Spray Shampoo. For the first time in my 31 years, a hair spray that claims to offer "Mega Hold" actually delivered. This stuff holds like you wouldn't believe. It's gravity-defying. I dig it. But that's not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about the Invisible Dry Spray Shampoo. I've been on the hunt for an inexpensive product like this for a long time. Dry shampoo is not a new concept, but the products are so varied with such mixed reviews, that I was hesitant to try most of them. Enter Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Spray Shampoo.

The concept behind a dry shampoo is that you apply to to your roots and comb it through your hair in the event that you don't want to wash or don't have time. Previously, the best solution to greasy hair was baby powder. Unfortunately, not everyone has white hair and only the lightest shades of blonde could get away with running a handful of baby powder through their tresses. Bumble & Bumble offers what is essentially baby powder tinted for various hair colors, but at $35 for a 4 ounce bottle, it's a tad pricey. And there's an advisement on the bottle to protect clothing and surrounding areas when spraying the product, which leads me to believe if you have dark hair, the use of the product could result in a fine (or not so fine) layer of dark powder all over your bathroom. Not a cool side effect if you ask me. That's what I like most about the Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Shampoo- it's invisible.

I used it yesterday for the first time mostly because I was being lazy and I didn't feel like dealing with my hair. I followed the instructions on the bottle to spray it into the roots, allow it to dry and then comb it through my hair. My hair is the type that gets really greasy if I don't wash it every single day. There have definitely been times when my alarm doesn't go off and I end up with little to no time to get ready for work, meaning no shower, or a super quick one with a shower cap. Those are the days I'm forced to work a hat into my wardrobe. The worst part is feeling like my hair is greasy all day long.

The Dry Spray Shampoo I used yesterday actually managed to keep my hair looking (and feeling) normal- in other words, non- greasy. I was thoroughly impressed with the product and I would absolutely use it again. However, it's times like these that I wish I had curly hair so that I could really put it to the test. I know a lot of curly-haired girls who like to blowout or flat-iron their hair Sunday night and then avoid washing it for as long as possible- up to five days sometimes. I knew a girl who went 2 weeks without washing her hair in order to maintain her straight, blown-out look. The challenge for these women is dealing with a greasy scalp. I would be curious to see how the Salon Grafix Dry Shampoo holds up for days on end for them. I've also heard of dry shampoos being used on camping or hiking trips when there might no be access to showers. It's never a good idea to bathe and wash your hair in a river or stream as the products can contaminate the water and effect delicate eco-systems Dry shampoo helps solve that problem.

Anyway, overall, I was impressed with the product, and I would definitely use it again. Have any of you used products like dry shampoo? What did you think of the product? Is there a specific brand you swear by? I'm always curious to hear what you think!

1 comment:

  1. That's why I swear by either super-short hair (that can air dry quickly while you get on with your day) or hair long enough to put into a ponytail. But honestly, I can't imagine not washing my hair if it felt greasy.
