Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rate My Look- indoor & outdoor

Here's another indoor/outdoor set of looks for you guys and gals. You know that's why I love winter- 2 completely different outfits in one day! First, the indoor:

Dress: Walmart, $18
Shoes: BCF, $19.99
Necklace: H&M $8 or $9- I forget the exact amount
Tights: Target, $6

And in case I get chilly at work, I can always layer on my favorite black cardigan:

And now for the outdoor look:

Coat: BCF, too long ago to know what it cost
Hat: Also BCF, $6.99
Brooch: Once again, too long ago to know what it cost

In this option, I put the brooch on the hat instead for a different look:

It's a tough call with this hat. I think there's a fine line between Dr. Zhivago and Dr. Seuss. I hope this one errs on the Dr. Zhivago side.

Personally, I prefer the hat with the brooch on it as opposed to the coat. What do you think? Is it ridiculous? Or perfectly appropriate for this time of year? I like it.


  1. I adore the hat with the brooch on it! Fact is, I have a similar hat that i bought while in Russia, I'm going to dig it out and do my own Dr. Zhivago. While I'm at it, I'm going to re-watch Dr. Zhivago.

    I'll need some more tissues though, I'll go to wal-mart and buy some. And while I'm there I'll buy that adorable dress aa well.

    Love ALL these looks. Double thumbs up!
    (Oh... and I forgot what magazine it was in, but they were pinning brooches on the side of fabric knee high boots for a extra sparkle for night. Great idea!)

  2. That green dress is fab! What a great way to do a dress in winter.
