Monday, March 31, 2014

You Pick!

I've been keeping very busy lately with various projects lately, but the most recent was the RPM Challenge. For those of you unfamiliar with this project, it's actually a really cool concept. Essentially, musician (bands, individuals, whatever) sign up for the challenge on February 1st. From that point, they have one month to complete and record an entire album of music- either 10 songs or 35 minutes. The music must be all original and while it's ok to write the music ahead of time, all recording must take place in those 28 days.

When you're done, you hand in your album and bask in the glow of having completed a difficult challenge. (How many people do YOU know who have recorded an entire album of their own original music?) There is no prize, no winners or losers. If you finish, you win. Well, I finished. I wrote an album this year and I'm actually kind of proud of it. It was inspired by the song I wrote for Olive and Marek's baby shower last summer and that song was the jumping off point of the album. I decided to write an album for and about children and I decided to write it all for ukulele and voice. (One song has an awesome harmonica added to it, but other than that, all uke and me.)

Throughout the process, I drew inspiration (and tons of encouragement and support) from my many friends who have children or know children or just like children. They sent me their kids artwork, told me stories about them, shared photos, ideas and experiences with me that truly served as inspiration for nearly every single song. One friend suggested I set up a performance of these songs at her local library, and I'll admit that at the beginning of the challenge, the idea of performing hadn't even crossed my mind. But once the album was finished and it was receiving such a positive response from so many friends and their kids, I decided to go for it. I set up the performance and it's happening in late April.

Which brings me to this question: What do YOU think I should wear? I created a polyvore set of outfits that I could put together using items already in my closet. I'm just not sure which one I want to go with. So, could you please vote on which one you think is best?

#1: Purple jeans, chambray top, yellow belt, neutral oxfords.
#2: Green dress, polka-dot scarf, boots.
#3: Dark wash skinny jeans, plaid top, mint chuck taylors.

Library Performance

I think it's important to wear something colorful and light-hearted, but I just can't decide. Please leave a comment and let me know your favorite! And if you want to know about the performance so you can attend and bring your children, just email me! I'll give you all the details!